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Hormonal Therapies

    Subcutaneous hormonal implants are used to restore hormonal balance in men and women of all ages. And best of all, in a natural, safe and effective way.

    When properly administered, the implant delivery system

subcutaneous tissue promotes a safe and effective TRHI (Hormone Replacement Therapy by Isomolecular Hormones). This route of administration is the only hormone release route that comes closest to what the human ovaries and testes do naturally.

    This method ensures the same continuous release, 24/7, in small doses similar to what the human body usually does. There's no need to stick hormone patches on your skin, smear yourself with creams, or remember to take pills. Also, you will be free from the hormonal variations of ups and downs (roller coaster effect) in the blood, caused by the other types of therapy.

    Hormonal implants also release hormones into the blood, according to the needs of each moment of the human body, releasing more or less hormones when required, for example, during exercise and stress (a lot) and at rest (a little), bringing better and safer clinical results.

    More health for women

    Be a protagonist in the search for your health and quality of life.
Indicated to relieve the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, excessive tiredness, vaginal dryness and hair loss. This type of therapy uses isomolecular hormones that help restore estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, which are reduced or suppressed at menopause, as the ovaries stop producing them when the woman enters climacteric around age 50.

   Hormone therapy may also be indicated for women suffering from severe cramping, severe PMS (premenstrual syndrome), endometriosis, uterine fibroids and other hormonal pathologies in young women. In addition to hormonal treatment for low libido.

    Hormone replacement therapy for men
   Several symptoms are associated with a drop in testosterone, such as hair loss, lack of disposition and libido, loss of bone density, among others. Hormone replacement in men helps with all these complaints.

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