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Intravenous Therapies

    Intravenous Therapy or Serotherapy consists the administration of different nutrients (nutraceuticals) intravenously, which include vitamins, trace elements, mineral salts, amino acids, antioxidants, among others.

   By offering these substances in a concentrated form to the body, all spaces subject to deficiency are filled, eliminating the inadequate absorption of nutrients commonly seen in oral administration, either through the intestinal barrier or other dysfunction of the digestive tract.

    The treatment is indicated for all ages and for several cases related to nutritional deficiencies and intoxication or just for health promotion or disease prevention.

   Injectable supplementation varies according to the needs and goals of each patient, such as: promoting a more vibrant skin, increasing energy, improving immunity, treating insomnia, mood disorders, headaches, metabolic optimization for weight loss and improvement. of performance in sport.


    Serotherapy is an extremely safe and effective form of supplementation. However, prior diagnosis of nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disorders is very important, as well as monitoring throughout the process by a trained physician.
     It is important to emphasize that serum therapy is another powerful resource for promoting and optimizing health, but it cannot be replaced by a balanced diet or the practice of physical activity.


    Below are some substances that are used in Serotherapy:
Amino acids (HMB, leucine and lysine, L-carnitine) – Strengthen immunity, aid in fat loss and promote muscle mass gain.
Antioxidants (vitamin C, resveratrol and glutathione) – Prevent cell damage and bring more energy and well-being.
Minerals (zinc, magnesium and selenium) – Help strengthen skin, hair, nails and improve mood and immunity.
B vitamins (B1, B2, B12 and PQQ) – Help fight free radicals and increase energy.

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